Friday, August 12, 2016


I remember the first time I ever was walking around a craft show, and happened to shuffle past a delicious smelling table full of brightly colored and heavenly scented soaps, candles, scrubs, etc.  Oh my goodness the smell was heavenly, the prices however, were not so much.  It wasn't until I my son started walking, that I started my travels down the path to herbs, flowers, essentials oils and more.  The amazing thing is, once you get started on looking, cleaning, eating, and felling healthier and more whole, it's so hard to ever go back to previous habits and choices!

For well over twenty years, I have spent my time studying, learning, and getting certified in the areas of aromatherapy, essential oils, and Natural Products Manufacturing.  I can honestly say that the happiest of years of my life in school, were those spent learning all about flower essences, essential oils, and how everything we need to eat and survive on this planet, can be found in the amazing magical world around us.  Yep, right there in nature, where the waters, plant life, animal life, and diverse ecosystems all play a part in the amazing cycle of life.

I took a lengthy break from the world of herbal bath products, home decor, and accessories, for a variety of reasons.  Military life can be as all consuming as it is challenging and life changing.  It wasn't until a few days ago, while flipping through my dozens of herbal journals, notes, and recipes, that I realized I was at my happiest when my hands were in the salts and ground herbs, and my heart was pouring into each and every bag, jar, or basket that I made for others to enjoy.  After much thought, I have decided to relaunch my herbal based business, keeping true to affordability, the highest of quality materials and additives, with each and every creation being made with the same time, love, and attention that I have given all of my creations over the past twenty plus years.

Whether its a bar of your favorite organic herbal soap, a smokeless soy candle, or a sea salt soak or scrub to melt away some "me" time in a nice hot bath,  I pledge to only offer the highest quality of creations at the most affordable price possible.  The health and wellness of my family, friends, and customers, always comes first.  In addition to offering amazing products for yourself or as gifts for friends, you will laso find herbal highlights, monthly free projects that you can make and enjoy, as well important information pertaining to the herbal around us.  I am so excited and proud to be back and cannot wait to begin filling my pages with new creations and helpful information to help you get on the path to a healthier, happier, and more vibrant you.

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